2010年1月27日 星期三

Use Webquest to teach and learn English

Internet is becoming an indispensable part in modern people's life. As teachers, we should teach students how to use information from the internet to facilitate their learning.

Webquest is such a kind of activity which students use information online to do a group project. It is interesting and engaging, and students can stay focused on their task while being online. As students are provided with the links they can use for the task, Webquest avoids one of the biggest disadvantage of "integrating ICT into ESL classroom"-- getting distracted by the variuos information on the internet.
In addition, webquest promotes students' high-order thingking skills, like analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Moreover, doing a webquest project always involves a group of students rather than an individual student, which helps students enhance their cooperation skills. Thus, it can be incorporated in the task-based curriculum.

The following link is the webquest designed by our group. Check this link and find out how we use Webquest to help students learn English as well as help them get know more about the current popular event--Shanghai Expo.

